Thursday, July 24, 2008

CNN Presents: Black in America

CNN Presents: Black in America was very informing and extremely thought provoking. I was glued to the TV while eating a hot fudge sundae with pecans. (Yeah I know I didn't need it but I wanted it!) Back to the show...It was stressful to watch at times but it is what it is. What it does is causes each and every one of us to think as well as ponder on not just our own situations but our brothers and sisters situations. Many people have said negative things about the show but say what you will. It all comes down to accountability and we all play a part and have a profound role. Ask yourself how are you really making a difference in your child or children's life? How can you assist your brothers and sisters around you to elevate them? It's not just his problem or her problem anymore it has now become OUR problem. Part 2 airs tonight on CNN. Be there or be square!

~Story still developing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful show and was much needed. I'm glad you posted this and didn't put it down like your other peer bloggers. I guess they just didn't get it.